“The management is very different. You can walk into the office and you wouldn’t guess who senior management was. They sit with and talk with everyone else. It’s not ‘us and them’ like other firms. It’s just us.”


Helpdesk Manager

Josh's Story

My role
We’re the first point of contact for IT issues primarily. When we get spare time, we look for improvements, work on admin and set up email groups.

We’ve heard that you are a motor racer, tell us more!
I did the Banger Challenge to Barcelona and back a couple of years ago – we had to find a car for less than £500 and get sponsored. I love fixing cars – I work on my family’s cars.

Is working in tech different here to other IT roles you’ve had?
In other companies, everything is locked down and you don’t touch it. Here, we use a variety
of technology and we get taught a lot. if you need to do something or are unsure, someone
will run through it and show you – you get a lot of exposure even if you don’t need to use it.
You expand your knowledge base. It’s also great that we bounce around between different
tasks. There are many companies where you’ll have somebody just doing password resets,
someone just doing printers, all day. Here we get to do it all.

Is it true that family and friends are working here?
Yes! My fiancée and my sister both work here in accounts. Everyone seems to know
everyone else – they are either best friends or related!

What’s the structure like at Movera?
The management is very different. You can walk into the office and you wouldn’t guess who
senior management was. They sit with and talk with everyone else. It’s not ‘us and them’
like other firms. It’s just us.