“The offices are amazing. You can move around and there are lots of chill out spaces and coffee machines. The place has a great atmosphere, and everyone is really chatty. I work here twice a week and I always look forward to coming in.”


Post Completion Adviser

Mike's Story

What did you do before joining Movera?
Until I moved here two and a half years ago, I worked in internet tech support at a large broadcaster and telecommunications company.
Who recommended Movera to you? My best friend, a case manager at Movera, recommended it. The hours and career progression were very attractive to me as I previously had to work weekends. Now I work Monday to Friday from 8.30 to 5pm.

What’s happening next in your career?
I’m really proud and excited to be moving up to be a trainee case manager. I’ll have full-time training at the Movera academy for eight weeks and then I’ll train alongside case managers
for a couple of months. After that, I’ll get to deal with my own case load. It’s reassuring to know there will be a lot of support. I feel the case manager role is an important one here.
The pay rise is very attractive and there’s plenty of different opportunities for bonuses at different times of year.

Why do you like coming to work?
The offices are amazing. You can move around and there are lots of chill out spaces and coffee machines. The place has a great atmosphere, and everyone is really chatty. I work here twice a week and I always look forward to coming in.